Friday, April 28, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Lab questions
These are the same ones that were already in the lab handout - nothing new here.
Mathematically, what is the distinction between real
and virtual images?
Mathematically, what is the distinction between convex
and concave lenses?
Are there any object distances (do) where NO
images should appear?
What exactly is f, the focal point/length? What factor(s) do you suppose determines the
f of a lens?
What is the effect of covering half of the lens? Does it matter how you cover it?
What happens to the image formed as the object distance
nears the focal point (f)?
Mathematically, what is happening?
Mathematically, how can we predict whether or not an
image is larger or smaller, right-side up or upside-down?
How are lenses and mirrors similar and different?
Formal lab guidelines (same as what was emailed to you); Questions are forthcoming.
Formal Group Lab - Optics
(largely lifted
and slightly modified from Wagner, T. and R. Sanford. 2005. Environmental
Science: Active learning laboratories and applied problem sets. John Wiley
& Sons, Hoboken, NJ; special thanks to Jeff Jennings.)
This formal lab write-up will follow the explicit format
that most scientific papers follow. Scientific
papers are not literary works - instead, they are meant to transmit information
effectively and concisely. There’s no
option, for example, for surprise endings in scientific papers—the answer is always
given in the first section.
group’s paper will be broken down into the following sections. Every section, except the title, should be
Laboratory reports are your tool for expressing what you did,
why you did it, and what you learned in the process. Even if your understanding of the procedure,
techniques, and results is perfect and your results are error-free, a poorly
written report will suggest that you did not understand what you have done. Writing reports is not difficult if you
remember a few guidelines about writing and the structure of a good
report. An excellent resource to help
you prepare, organize, interpret, and write you formal laboratory report is
Labwrite. Labwrite is an instructional
project originating from North Carolina State University and sponsored by the
National Science Foundation. The
Labwrite site is:
Your formal lab report must have the following components in
the following order.
- Title
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Literature Cited (or
Note: Metric measurements are used in science for
presenting facts and figures. When
presenting information to the general public (i.e. not in a formal lab reports
or scientific conference), English units are often used.
“What did you
The title of a lab report should indicate exactly what you
studied. The title should give the
reader a concise, informative description of the content and scope of the
paper. For example, not “Wave Lab” but
rather “An investigation into harmonics on a string.”
“Summarize, please.”
This is a concise summary of the major findings of the
study. It is generally no longer than 9–10 sentences, or half a page. It should state the purposes of the study,
briefly summarize the methods, major results, and major conclusions of the
study. The abstract should stand alone: do not refer to any figures or tables,
or cite any references. Generally
scientists write the abstract last, because you need to know exactly what is in
the paper before you can summarize it.
did you study this phenomenon?” And
don’t just say, “Because Sean told us to.”
This is where you give a brief background to
your experiment. It usually
includes background information, including the work of others, and a
description of your objectives. Normally,
you would state the specific hypothesis/predictions you will be testing and
give theoretical justifications for them.
In this optics lab, however, I did not give you any choice before the lab
– change your writing accordingly. Since
I did not ask you to generate a hypothesis, so there is no need to include one.
Note: You may want to refer to other work in the
field (be sure to cite your sources!). Direct
quotes are rarely used in scientific writing; instead state the findings of
others in your own words. We will not be using footnotes but rather be citing
the author by last name, and the year that the source was published (Lally,
2008). At the end of the paper you will
then need to have the complete bibliographic listing for the reference. See reference section for further
Materials and
“What did you do? How did you do it?”
This section is a very concise summary of the subjects,
equipment, and procedures used. This
section should contain enough information so that someone else could duplicate
your experiment. It is not a list, but a narrative description.
However be careful that you don’t go
over board and include superfluous information that is not relevant, such as,
“then go over and pick up the following supplies…” If you are following the methods of another
paper or a lab manual, cite the source.
Also remember that these are not cooking directions but should be in the
passive past tense as in, “We filled six
petri dishes with 20 ml of tap water in each.” It is also critical to include all relevant
details such as lengths, number of trials, time intervals…etc. A common mistake is to let results creep into
this section.
“What did you find?”
the results section, you present your observations and data with no
interpretations or conclusions about what they mean; that is for the
discussion. Tables and figures should be
used to supplement the text and to present the data in a synthesized, more
understandable form. Use the past tense
to describe your results. Think of this
section as a simple description of your major results. This is also where you include relevant
sample calculations (such as experimental focal length) with your data (and
related statistics such as percent error).
not present your raw data. Instead,
present data in an easy to read form. You
will probably use a figure or a table to present your results. All tables and figures must be numbered and
have self-explanatory titles so that the reader can understand their content
without the text (e.g. Table 1. Displacement
of falling ball versus time). Assign
numbers to tables and figures in the order they are mentioned in the text. Tables and figures are numbered independently
of each other (i.e. Table 1 and 2, and then Figure 1 and 2). Tables are labeled at the top and figures at
the bottom. Tables are referred to as
tables; all other items (graphs, photographs, drawings, diagrams, maps, etc.)
are referred to as figures.
“What does it mean?”
This is the meat of your paper. Here
you are to give a reader the “take home” message of the study. This section should respond to and echo
concepts brought up in the introduction without being repetitive. Begin by briefly summarizing the major
findings of your study. Then discuss each finding one at a time (usually in
separate paragraphs). The support you
provide for your ideas is very important.
Use your data, trends, statistical evidence and background information
as support. Remember that you rarely if
ever “prove” something, but that your data can be used in support of a
particular conclusion. Do not make statements that cannot be
supported by the data. Discuss
possible errors (threats to validity) in the experiment, but don’t make the
common mistake that beginning writers often do, of focusing completely on potential
errors in your work. Not all potential
errors may be significant.
Questions to
In this lab, I want you and your group to consider a few
“extension questions” – things that are not obvious and may indeed be hard to
prove. These questions will be posted on
the blog shortly.
Concluding remarks
Anything else worth remarking about that does not neatly fit
into the “Discussion” section.
This is where you would typically thank those who funded a
study or anyone whose expertise you found helpful.
References or Literature Cited
must be credited if you obtain ideas or thoughts from them, even if you are not
giving a direct quote. There are a
number of different formats used in science for citation. Use the format below to cite any literature
used in your report (e.g. a textbook, journal articles, books, internet and so
forth). In the text of your report cite
references using the author’s surnames, and the year of publication in
parenthesis (e.g. Botkin and Keller, 2003).
These sources then have full bibliographic listings in this section of
the paper.
Journal articles
J.L. 1974. Species Diversity in Tropical Coral Reefs. Science 234:23-26.
D., L. Connelly, and C.P. Koshland. 1996. Industrial Ecology: A Critical
Review. International Journal of Environmental Pollution 6:89-112.
Single Author
Single Author
A. 2001. A Natural History of Sex: The ecology and evolution of mating
behavior. Firefly Books, Buffalo, NY.
C., C.A. Evers and L. Starr. 2008. Biology. 7th ed. Thomson
Brooks/Cole, CA
in a Book
G.B. 1999. Sustainability in a Regional Context: The case of the Great Lakes
basin. P. 248-281. In D.A. Mazmanian and M.E. Kraft (ed.) Towards Sustainable
Communities: Transition and transformations in environmental policy. MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA.
for internet sites should be similar to print media citations, including
author, publication date, article title, site title, URL, and date the
information was posted (or when the address was accessed).
J.N. and R.G. Newell. 2003. Carching Market Efficicienceds: Quota-based
fisheries management. Resources 150 [Online], 23 Sept. 2003. Available at
(verified 2 June 2004)
Web page (with
no author listed)
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) [Internet]. [updated 2007 Feb 27]. Columbus (OH): Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry; [cited 2007 Jul 24]. Available from:
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) [Internet]. [updated 2007 Feb 27]. Columbus (OH): Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry; [cited 2007 Jul 24]. Available from:
(Emerald Ash Borer ... [updated 2007])
(Emerald Ash Borer ... [updated 2007])
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (US EPA). 2004. Home Page [Online]. Available at (verified 3 June 2004)
Laboratory Write-ups Check List

- Title stated clearly and
- Includes the correct
independent and dependent variables
- Title capitalized
- Names, in alphabetical
order (assuming that there is no “lead author”)
- Clear, succinct explanation of question being
- Clear, succinct explain of research
- Includes conclusions of research
- Under 10 sentences
- Introduction to conceptual framework of research
- Starts with broad background material and narrows to
introduce this particular research
- Clear description of question being addressed
Material and Methods
- Protocol is written in essay form (not numbered
steps) in past passive tense (“a transect was placed …”)
- Protocol clearly establishes proper set of procedures
that would allow it to be replicated
- Superfluous steps NOT included
- All figures and tables have appropriately descriptive
- Metric units used
- All figures have appropriate labels on axes and
tables have appropriate column headings
- Figures and tables used to support written
explanation of results
- Explicit use of data used in text
- Analysis of results using explicit data and
referencing figures and tables
- Proper use of references to information obtained from
other sources
- Attempt to describe and explain trends and anomalies
seen in data.
Concluding remarks
- Accurate and clear
Thursday, April 20, 2017
HW for E (for Monday) and A (Tuesday)
Perform some calculations related to your lab. Behold - the thin lens equation (also known as the lens/mirror equation):
Use this equation to solve for f for each case where you have do and di data. You have a theoretical f (10 or 20 cm, given by the manufacturer of the lens or mirror you used). You are going to determine an experimental version - essentially, comparing your work to their claim.
It is probably easiest to solve the above equation algebraically first - solving for f. To wit:
Determine the experimental values of f for all of your trials. All lab group members should do this before the next class.
Next, determine percent errors of your value from the claimed f:
% error = [ (exp f - theo f) / (theo f) ] * 100
The easiest path for all of this is to use a spreadsheet to do the calculations.
Perform some calculations related to your lab. Behold - the thin lens equation (also known as the lens/mirror equation):
Use this equation to solve for f for each case where you have do and di data. You have a theoretical f (10 or 20 cm, given by the manufacturer of the lens or mirror you used). You are going to determine an experimental version - essentially, comparing your work to their claim.
It is probably easiest to solve the above equation algebraically first - solving for f. To wit:
f = (do di) / (do + di)
Determine the experimental values of f for all of your trials. All lab group members should do this before the next class.
Next, determine percent errors of your value from the claimed f:
% error = [ (exp f - theo f) / (theo f) ] * 100
The easiest path for all of this is to use a spreadsheet to do the calculations.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
HW for Thursday (E) and Friday (A)
Please look up the following and be able to distinguish between the two:
Real image
Virtual image
Also, read the lab handout, please. A block - you'll get the lab handout Wednesday before the quiz.
Thanks everyone!
Real image
Virtual image
Also, read the lab handout, please. A block - you'll get the lab handout Wednesday before the quiz.
Thanks everyone!
Monday, April 17, 2017
Quiz practice
Consider a 650 nm laser beam. It heads into a block of plastic (n = 1.7) at an initial angle of 40 degrees. Find the following:
a. angle of refraction
b. frequency inside the block
c. wavelength inside the block
d. critical angle of the block
e. speed of light inside the block
Be sure to review how to draw "normal lines" (perpendicular) and predict the path that light takes upon entering a new medium.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017
E and A block homework
Please come to class with definitions of:
- Index of refraction
- Snell's law - with an equation, if possible, with a diagram and/or variables explained
- Index of refraction
- Snell's law - with an equation, if possible, with a diagram and/or variables explained
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