Thursday, April 20, 2017

HW for E (for Monday) and A (Tuesday)


Perform some calculations related to your lab.  Behold - the thin lens equation (also known as the lens/mirror equation):

Use this equation to solve for f for each case where you have do and di data.  You have a theoretical f (10 or 20 cm, given by the manufacturer of the lens or mirror you used).  You are going to determine an experimental version - essentially, comparing your work to their claim.

It is probably easiest to solve the above equation algebraically first - solving for f.  To wit:

f = (do di) /  (do + di)

Determine the experimental values of f for all of your trials.  All lab group members should do this before the next class.

Next, determine percent errors of your value from the claimed f:

% error = [ (exp f - theo f) / (theo f) ] * 100

The easiest path for all of this is to use a spreadsheet to do the calculations.

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