Thursday, November 3, 2016

HW for A and E blocks

1.  Imagine standing on a scale inside an elevator.  How do you think the scale reading would change (if at all) if the elevator were:

a.  moving upward with constant velocity
b.  moving downward with constant velocity
c.  moving upward with constant + acceleration (getting faster)
d.  moving upward with constant - acceleration (getting slower)
e.  freely falling (as if the cable snapped and the elevator just fell - yikes!)

2.  This is tricky.  See if you can apply Newton's 2nd law to the above problem.  Recall that F=ma.  If you call the force from the scale S, and your regular weight is W (which equals mg), try to write an equation that relates Newton's 2nd law to this situation.  Hint:  recall the the force (F) is actually the NET force on you (the mass in this problem).  If you get an equation, can you tell if it predicts what happens in the above problem?  (Again, this is a bit tricky, but try it so we can start our next conversation with this problem.)

3.  Think about amusement park rides that make you feel heavier or lighter (or some other way).  Briefly describe one (or more!) and point out the places that make you feel these ways.

4.  Think of some way to distinguish between weight (W) and mass (m).

5.  If you have time, re-watch the OK GO video, just for (physics) fun.  Note what weightlessness actually looks like.

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