Saturday, May 27, 2017

HW for E for Wednesday

Use the newly derived formula for Resistors in parallel to hep solve these problems.

1.  What is the total resistance of:
A.  Two 10-ohm resistors in parallel
B.  Three 12-ohm resistors in parallel
(Notice anything convenient about these answers?)
C.  One 4-ohm and one 12-ohm resistor in parallel

2.  A 4-ohm resistor is in series with a 14-ohm resistor.  These are in series with a pair of resistors (3 and 6 ohms) that are in parallel with each other, and a 60-V battery.  Find:

A.  The total resistance of the circuit
B.  All currents and voltages - draw a table to make this a bit easier

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