Monday, October 24, 2016

pre-test practice

1.  A ball is dropped from rest from 28 m above the ground.  Find the time to fall and speed (before impact with ground).

2.  A runner accelerates for 10 seconds, then maintains that speed for 15 seconds, then slows to a stop in 5 seconds.  After this, they stand still for 20 seconds before accelerating for 5 seconds to get to a new speed.

Draw graphs of d vs. t, v vs. t, and a vs. t for this runner.

3.  A physics book is kicked horizontally off of a cliff at 10 m/s.  The cliff is 20 m high.  How long will it take to hit the ground, and how far from the base of the cliff does it land?

4.  Create a conversion factor to convert ft/sec to miles/millennium.

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