Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Homework! (Not to be turned in.) For Thursday (A, if you have time) and Friday (E)

1. Consider an echo-y canyon. You stand 200-m from the canyon wall. How long does it take the echo of your scream (“Arghhhh! Curse you Physics!!!”) to return to your ears, if the speed of sound is 340 m/s? (Sound travels at a constant speed in a given environment.) Also, keep in mind that the sound has to travel away from AND back to the source.

2. What is the difference between traveling at an average speed of 65 mph for one hour and a constant speed of 65 mph for one hour? Will you go further in either case?

3. What is the meaning of instantaneous velocity? How might we measure it?

How far will a light pulse (say, a cell phone radio wave) travel in 1 second? In one minute? In one year? You don't have to work this out, but you should show HOW it would be calculated. Keep in mind that the light pulse travels AT the speed of light.

5.  What is the acceleration of a toy car, moving from rest to 6 m/s in 4 seconds?

6. What does a negative acceleration indicate?

7. Consider an automobile starting from rest. It attains a speed of 30 m/s in 8 seconds. What is the car’s acceleration during this period?  Also, how
 far has it traveled in the 8 seconds?  

8. Review these ideas. Write down answers, if it would be helpful. standards for the m, kg, and s. Know the original meaning of the standard, and the current standard (approximate meaning - don't worry about the crazy numbers)

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