Thursday, September 8, 2016

HW for Monday (A) and Tuesday (E)

Here are some unit problems to play with.  You will NOT turn them in - rather, we will review them in class.

1.  Create a factor to convert from m/s to light-years (LY) per millennium.  1 LY = 9.4607 x 10^12 km.

2.  Create your own conversion factor - m/s to something else interesting.

3.  How long is a micro-century?  Give your answer in units that are appropriate (seconds?  days?).   Also, remember that micro equals 1 millionth.

Now, some Fermi questions to play with:  calculate answers.  Resist the urge to look up answers or techniques.

1.  How many hairs are on your head?

2.  How many times does one of the tires on a car rotate in its lifetime (before the tire is changed)?

3.  If ALL of the people in the world gathered together for the world's biggest party, and they were all to meet at the same location, how big of an area would be needed?  As big as a state?  Which state?  Bigger?  A country?  Try to calculate/estimate this.

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